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How to Avoid the Temp Love Trap: Music Supervisors Reveal How They Cure Temp Track Heartache for Good

Soundstripe Team

 A woman lays on a bed with her foot on a vintage stereo, as she attempts to get over her temp love heartbreak.

Feb 13, 2025

Creatives of all types know the feeling–you’re deep in the zone, crafting a scene with the perfect emotional weight, and the temp track you’ve placed just works. It fits the mood, the rhythm, and the message flawlessly. But then reality hits–you can’t actually license the song. Now what?

This “temp love” phenomenon happens all the time in music licensing for film and TV, as well as commercials, ads, and other content. A temporary track serves as a placeholder in an edit, but when it comes time to license the music, the song is either out of budget or otherwise unavailable. 

Breaking filmmakers, producers, and marketers free from their temp love can be tough, but top music supervisors have developed strategies to navigate this all-too-common challenge. So we asked four of the top music supervisors in the industry, How do you get a client or collaborator excited about a new musical direction when they've become attached to a temp track?

In this go-to guide, Mike Boris, Gabe McDonough, Jen Pyken, and Madonna Wade-Reed share powerful advice for healing (and entirely avoiding) heartbreak–and ultimately securing the perfect soundtrack for any project.

Identify Why the Temp Track Feels Essential

A man sings into a microphone with a strobe light backdrop. Top music supervisors selected his song for music sync licensing in film.

Before convincing a director, producer, or client to consider alternatives, take a step back and learn why they are so attached to the temp track. Emmy-nominated music supervisor Jen Pyken, whose credits include This Is Us, Lost, and Happy Gilmore, emphasizes that the first step in overcoming temp love is understanding its appeal.

"My job [...] is a collaborative process, so I usually discuss with the director or producer and editor what the scene is conveying and what they 'love' about the song that’s temped,” Jen explains.

Mike Boris, who has created iconic work for countless brands including Mastercard, Google, and P&G while Head of Music at global agencies McCann, Ogilvy, and Bates, also "analyze[s] what they love about the temp–what makes it work for them. This could be the tempo and feel, a unique or unexpected instrumentation, a specific lyric or mood, a nostalgic feel, a standout moment like a special drop or transition, or the way the editor cut to the track’s timing."

By pinpointing what makes the temp track so compelling–whether it’s a certain vibe, line, or pace–you can find a licensable alternative that delivers the same impact.

Help Stakeholders Form New Emotional Connections

A woman dances, arms raised, in a field full of tents for a scene in a film. Top music supervisors chose a temp track for this scene.

One of the biggest reasons people struggle with temp love is familiarity. Madonna Wade-Reed, one of the drama world's top music supervisors with credits on All American, Found, and the Netflix film Shirley, explains, “Temp love is often tied to bigger and more recognizable songs."

"I like to point out that many [viewers] also already have specific memories attached to these songs and where they heard them first," she continues. Madonna encourages stakeholders to seize the opportunity to create a new memory with a song–one that audiences can associate with their project rather than something they’ve already heard a thousand times. Mike concurs, "Starting with a blank slate can be a fun and creative process."

He continues, "Instead of chasing a close match, I guide the client toward something fresh and even better. This approach requires them to let go of the temp track entirely. While it can be a challenge, clients are often open to new ideas when given the right context. I explain my choices with framing, such as: 'This plays into the humor of the scene' or 'This band is a great fit, and the lyrics match the narrative.'"

These tactics can make finding a replacing a temp track more exciting rather than frustrating. After all, licensing songs for film, TV, and ads is often about discovering fresh, compelling music. "[I aim] to spark an interest not only in the product or story but also the artist," Madonna says. "To me, that’s a win-win for everyone."

"I love when I go in a completely different musical direction and it works even better than what was temped!" Jen agrees. 

Steer Clients Toward Alternatives with an Empathetic Approach

Friends laugh around a computer, watching a funny film. Despite a case of temp love, the producers found the perfect soundtrack.

When working with directors, producers, or marketers who are deeply attached to a temp track, it’s crucial to guide them through the process with a collaborative, resourceful, and solution-oriented approach. Gabe McDonough, Music & Strategy executive, branding expert, and one of the top music supervisors, has worked on some of the world’s biggest accounts, including Apple, Ford, and Coke, helping them define their sonic identities.

"Not to go Second City mode on it, but you really have to take a 'Yes, and..." approach," Gabe advises. "We hustle hard to find solutions to actually get our clients the temp track or previous version they want, while also providing great options if their 'true love' turns out to be truly unattainable."

By taking their attachment seriously and offering fresh options simultaneously, you can steer the conversation in a productive direction, making them feel heard while expanding their creative possibilities. Consider going the extra mile to help decision makers fully grasp their choices.

"Rather than sending a playlist of ideas, I’ll have the songs that I’ve curated edited to picture to show the director and/or the producer options," Jen says.

Start the Music Search Early to Avoid Temp Love

A top music supervisor sits at a computer choosing temp tracks for an upcoming film.

The best way to avoid temp love altogether? Bring a music supervisor into the process as early as possible. “If a client gets me involved early in the process, temp love is not an issue,” Mike points out. “I ensure they work with an awesome track I find for them–one they love and can actually use.”

Waiting until the final stages of post-production to license music for film, TV, ads, or anything else can lead to unnecessary heartache. By involving a music supervisor early, you can identify songs that are both licensable and perfect for the project from the start.

But what if you don’t have one of the top music supervisors (or any supe) on your team? Since this is the reality for most creators, the best way to avoid temp love is to use pre-cleared audio from the beginning. This ensures that whatever track your client or collaborator initially likes is usable in the final cut.

Platforms like Soundstripe offer a vast library of studio-quality, fully cleared music, giving you the freedom to share tracks with your team throughout the process without worrying about budget surprises or licensing roadblocks. With global clearance and unlimited usage, you can confidently create without restrictions–and without the heartbreak of temp love.

How to Replace a Temp Track Effectively

A filmmaker watches his rough cut, as a case of temp love washes over him.

If you’ve already fallen for a temp track and need to find a replacement, consider these approaches:

  1. Find a Close Match – Identify the key qualities of the temp track (tempo, mood, unique instrumentation, standout moments) and seek a song that captures the same essence.
  2. Start Fresh – Instead of chasing a near replica, embrace a completely new track that brings something original and unexpected to the scene.
  3. Test Multiple Options in Context – Edit a few strong alternatives directly to picture. Seeing and hearing them in context can make it easier for stakeholders to accept a new track.

In any case, framing each suggestion with a thoughtful rationale can help sell the new selection to stakeholders.

Break Up With Temp Tracks for Good

Breaking free from temp love isn’t always easy, but with the right mindset and approach, you can find a track that elevates your project just as much–if not more–than the original placeholder. Top music supervisors from Hollywood to Madison Ave know that music licensing for sync is about more than just finding a good song; it’s about creating an unforgettable experience for the audience.

Want to avoid the temp love trap for good? Soundstripe helps music supervisors, videographers, and content creators license music for film, TV, ads, YouTube videos, and more easily, ensuring you always get the right track without the licensing headaches. Contact us today to find the perfect one stop music licensing for your next project.