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Stream Music Safely with Soundstripe’s Twitch Pro Extension

Zach Watson

Sep 30, 2021

Most media is better with music. That includes streaming on Twitch. 

Whether it’s killing that awkward silence before you go live or crafting the right vibe during the stream, good background music that is Twitch-safe makes the entire experience more engaging. 

Unfortunately, the streaming community has been hit with increasing waves of DMCA takedowns linked to music copyright. Getting three copyright strikes against your channel can lead to a permanent ban, so figuring out how to avoid these takedowns is pretty important. 


Last year, we released a free Twitch extension so creators could stream royalty free music directly from our library and avoid DMCA takedowns. 

65,000 streamers installed it. And they asked for more. 

So today, we’re unveiling our Twitch Pro extension, the leveled-up version of our Twitch extension that gives you even more ways to play label-quality music while you stream. 



Introducing the Twitch Pro extension

The Twitch Pro extension provides three new features that streamers requested most often: 

1. Pro Playlists

You wanted more playlists, you got more playlists. The Pro extension unlocks 10 additional playlists, giving you a total of 28 different options. That’s over 200 hours of really good music to soundtrack your streams. 

From lo-fi hip hop to indie rock to electronic, you’ve got a variety of genres to choose from. Here’s more good news: Each playlist was curated by our in-house Grammy-winning production team, so you know each mix is top notch. 

2. Custom Playlists

If you need to forge your own music path, you’ve also got the freedom to create custom playlists. It’s just as easy as it sounds. Find songs you like, save them to a playlist, then let it rip when it’s time to go live. 

3. Shuffle

Even with hundreds of hours of music at your beck and call, you might need ways to keep things fresh. So we added a shuffle button. Just pick a playlist, hit the button, and let the primordial forces of chance pick which songs come next. No two streams will sound the same. 

If you’re a Soundstripe subscriber, you have access to the Twitch Pro extension. Here’s how to get access: 

  1. Log into Twitch 
  2. Download the free Twitch extension
  3. Enjoy all the features of Twitch Pro

Alright, so how much does this loadout of streaming tools cost? Just $3.99 a month. In other words, less than one actual Twitch subscription

Here’s a helpful chart: 


Pricing chart for Twitch pro extension


If you’re not quite sure about $3.99/ month, that’s cool. We recommend downloading our free extension first. If you like what you get, there’s always time to upgrade later. Try before you buy and all that. 

Either way, we’re stoked to unveil the Twitch Pro extension and help the streaming community banish DMCA strikes and do what you do best: Create. 

Further reading

If you're looking for even more Twitch-related content, check out these articles from the Soundstripe blog: