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Why You Need a YouTube End Screen Template

Mackenzie Scott

Jun 14, 2021

Video content is evergreen content in the modern age.

With more than 2 billion subscribers, and as the top-ranked most visited website globally, YouTube is a well-known hub for creative expression and community connection. 

Creators — i.e., innovative strategists — are constantly looking for new ways to evolve their craft and position new content in front of more people. 

But with an influx of new content on the platform every day, it’s easy for videos to fall through the cracks, undetected by YouTube’s algorithm.   

Whether you’re new to the platform or have an established subscriber base, meeting the growth milestones you’ve set for your channel takes a lot of work. But it's still a key strategy for starting and growing a YouTube channel.

A YouTube end screen template is one of the most effective promotional tools available for increasing monthly views and converting more viewers into subscribers. 

Our Creative team knows firsthand how much work goes into video production. So, to help you out, they made three free customizable end screen templates that you can download here.

But before you get to work revamping your YouTube end screen, take some time when reading this article to consider all of the creative possibilities. 

From choosing the right visual elements to finding quality music, the next few sections outline how you can optimize your end screen template and lead more viewers from one video to the next. 

Turn Viewers into Subscribers with a YouTube End Screen Template

Filmmakers, videographers, advertisers, and others involved in video production stand to benefit from using end screen templates. 

If you’re managing a YouTube channel, you may already use end screens on a consistent basis. But if you haven’t used the tool — or aren’t well-versed in the YouTube regulations — here’s a basic rundown on end screens in videos:

An end screen is a 5-20 second promotional outro that gives viewers the chance to click-through to another video, website, playlist, etc. Many creators take the opportunity to include a subscribe button in the mix. 

YouTube allows creators to add a maximum of four linked elements, and these can be positioned anywhere on the screen. 

A little known fact is that end screens aren't visible on every device — including most mobile devices.

An end screen is a multi-faceted call-to-action. Instead of exiting the website or watching something else from the Suggested Video sidebar, viewers can keep watching your content.

The ultimate goal is to encourage these viewers to subscribe to your channel.

Promote Your Videos, Playlists, Website, & More

There are two main reasons why viewers tune into YouTube on a regular basis: “to relax” and “to feel entertained.” 

If your video’s end screen is overcrowded with options, viewers might be more inclined to choose none. And if the options that you include aren’t relevant to the video they just watched, viewers might opt for a video in the sidebar instead.    

Rather than just listing off different elements you can promote, we thought it’d be more productive to share how your fellow creators are customizing their end screens. 

How We Format Soundstripe's YouTube End Screen


To start, let’s break down how Soundstripe’s Creative team designed the end screen for the video, “Why Film Grain Matters to Filmmakers and for Video Productions | In Tune.” 

There are three clickable elements featured here: two In Tune videos and a subscribe button. 

Because this video centers on filmmaking and video production, the team chose to include videos that relate to this topic — one on B-roll and the other on stock media. 

By making these videos readily available to viewers, and including a clear CTA label to “subscribe,” the end screen’s purpose is clear and direct. 

As a result, viewers can choose the option that interests them without being visually overwhelmed.

How Successful Creators Format Their End Screens

1. Wayne.wav

Wavy Wayne YouTube end screen


YouTube creator Wavy Wayne specializes in all things mix engineering and shares his expertise in videos like the one featured above.  

He utilizes his video’s end screen template in a highly strategic way. Not only does he promote a relevant video — and generate more views as a result — he also shares a link for viewers to download his presets. 

He features not one but two subscribe buttons: one for his channel and another for his wife’s channel. In doing so, he is able to promote multiple channels at the same time.

As you work toward building your subscriber base, collaborating with another creator in this same way could help you accelerate this process.

2. Ryan Snaadt

Ryan Snaadt YouTube end screen

One of the main call-outs that should be made about Ryan Snaadt’s end screen in this video is his inclusion of a playlist. 

By featuring his “Job Shadows” playlist as one of the three elements, he’s giving viewers the ability to automatically view all seven videos in one sitting.

In your own end screen template, you can also take advantage of this loophole to YouTube’s four element max regulation.

Keep Viewers Tuned In With End Screen Music

It’s easy to prioritize the visual elements of your YouTube end screen, but even the most interested viewer might bounce from the video if they have to sit in 20 seconds of silence. 

To keep viewers hooked after your video ends, it’s a strategic move to include music in the end screen — especially since you can bypass long music licensing negotiations when you use a stock media company like Soundstripe. 

With a subscription, you can license any song in our curated playlists and music library without hassle. 

If you need fifteen seconds of music and song stem options, we’ve got you covered. 

Track the Engagement of Your End Screens 

Herein lies the value of YouTube end screen templates: you can test different elements.

When you sign into YouTube Studio, you can access YouTube Analytics and, specifically, the end screen report. With this data, you can track how well certain elements are performing. 

If you see that one video is receiving a disproportionate amount of clicks, you might swap one element out for another. 

This analytics tool allows you to make informed modifications to your channel’s end screen template which can, in turn, lead to a sustainable increase in subscribers.